We are very pleased to invite participants from public and private research and institutions, and from the production and commercial sector to attend the ICC 2022 that will be held in Mersin,Türkiye, from 6-11 November 2022, under the theme
“Reframing Citriculture: Better Connections for Future”.

Important Tips and Reminders about 14th International Citrus Congress
Important Tips and Reminders about 14th International Citrus Congress The shuttles that …
Template for the Poster Abstracts Announced.
TEMPLATE FOR THE POSTER ABSTRACTS ANNOUNCED. Please click here to download template.
9th November - Technical Tour Program Announced
9th November - Technical Tour Program Announced Technical Tour Programme: Date: Novem…
Deadlines for Abstract Submission Have Been Extended!
Deadlines for Abstract Submission Have Been Extended! Dear participants, the deadline for…
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